Protexis PI Non-Latex Gloves Sz 6.5 Sterile Powder-free. 50 Pairs/ Box

Item No: TV-2D72PT65

Protexis™ PI Surgical Gloves are the best-selling synthetic surgical gloves in the Cardinal Health™ Surgical Glove portfolio. They are a multipurpose solution that offers tactile response with barrier protection.


  • Synthetic polyisoprene (PI) – not made from natural rubber latex
  • Engineered to protect in a wide array of clinical cases


  • Proven success – Protexis™ PI Surgical Gloves account for 2 out of every 5 polyisoprene surgical gloves sold in the United States
  • Proprietary hand mold with an independent thumb design allows for an anatomical fit and natural movement in the fingers, thumb and palm
  • Featuring an interlocking, beaded cuff design that helps to reduce roll-down

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